Last changes were made at the Annual Meeting 2013-05-22
§ 1
Swedish Department of International Commission of Jurists is an association of lawyers with the task of promoting human rights and the application of the rule of law. The department will strive in particular the judiciary and law union independence, respect for the laws, strengthening of the individual’s fundamental rights and freedoms and for the individual’s right to judicial review of those rights and freedoms through the courts.
To realize this mission, the department has to seek cooperation with organizations with a similar purpose, to organize presentations, communicate information, republish writings and otherwise take the initiatives designed to promote the association’s purpose.
The department may also participate in projects aimed at promoting human rights and the application of the rule of law outside Sweden. Involvement in such projects can be done with both state and other donors provided it complies with the department’s autonomous and independent position.
§ 2
The department cooperates with the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva.
§ 2 a
The department has its headquarters in Stockholm.
In order to promote the department’s objectives, regional sections formed. A regional section can be established only with the consent of the department which shall include the Statutes Section guess.
Similarly, a national or regional student’s student groups are formed.
§ 3
Membership in the Division may be obtained by any person who graduate in law or law student and who pay in 4 § mentioned annual fee. While another may be granted membership by the Board on specific reasons for doing so exists. The Board reserves the right to expel a member who in word or deed disagree department’s goal or not pay the prescribed annual fee.
§ 4
User is debtor to the department pay an annual fee, the amount of a year at a time determined by the annual meeting.
§ 5
The department’s highest decision-making body is the Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting is held before the end of May, on time and place, as the Board determines.
Extraordinary meeting held when the Board deems it necessary or when at least thirty of
Association members warrant.
§ 6
Notice of the annual meeting is issued by the Board at least ten days before the meeting date. Simultaneously with the Notice, the annual report to the members.
Decisions on the annual meeting are taken by simple majority vote.
A tie has the casting vote; the choice is different, however the ticket.
§ 7
Board which has its headquarters in Stockholm consists of two chairs, and the need for an additional vice chairman and another maximum of 15 with a minimum of five members, elected at the annual meeting to serve until the next annual meeting. The Board appoints the secretary and the treasurer.
§ 8
The Board meets, then Chairman considers it necessary or two members request it.
A quorum, when four members are available and the three are in agreement.
A tie has the casting vote; the choice is different, however the ticket.
Representatives of the regional section may attend meetings with
speak but not to vote.
§ 9
The association shall be audited by two auditors, one of whom shall be a chartered accountant. Every auditor shall have a deputy; alternate for the chartered accountant shall also be an external auditor. The auditors shall audit the Association’s accounts and all in good time before the meeting to make the meeting an audit report.
§ 10
The department’s accounts are kept and completed for the calendar year.
§ 11
The question of liability for the Board’s management during a calendar year are treated at the annual meeting next year.
§ 12
Bylaws can only be decided at the annual meeting. For approval of the constitutional amendment required that three quarters of those present at the Annual Meeting at the Meeting. Draft amendment may be brought by the board and by individual member. Proposals by individual member shall, in order to be taken up for consideration at the annual meeting, to be the board no later than one month before the annual meeting.
§ 13
Dissolve Department, its assets shall be used for purposes which determines the annual meeting.